Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Third Day of Vacation

Whew. I'm tired again.

Didn't get very much accomplished today. Puttered, more or less. Added another circuit to the downstairs outlets. Had to pull out some drywall to get the wiring in, and found that the builder had epoxied the drywall to the studs. Never have seen that before. Sorta stupid, I think. But I've since been informed that it might've been done to cut down on insect infestation. Although how a two-foot long strip of epoxy down the length of the four-foot stud is supposed to keep bugs out, I'll never know.

Did a bit of outside work, too, cleaning gutters (which was gross, but walking on the roof is always fun!) and getting the lawn mower ready for the new season. Had to put oil in it. Woo-Hoo! These technically complicated tasks wear me down.

Still haven't been to the store yet. Gotta get some more junction boxes and light switches and assorted odds'n'ends.

Beats working.

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