Tuesday, December 04, 2012

A Sobering Sadness

One of our dear friends from Seattle lost her husband this past weekend.  In the prime of his life, at forty-five, with a loving wife and several wonderful children, he died of a heart attack.

It is especially poignant for me because this particular family had settled in Glen Allen, Virginia, and were attending the church where I had grown up (although it has moved from Hermitage Road to Three Chopt).  They had become friends with many of the people I remembered from my youth.  Which is kinda weird, considering that we had met Wendy and Tim back in Seattle.

Small world, indeed.

Now the news came through Facebook that he has suddenly died, and the family is left with no insurance and no savings and no income (I believe they are a Navy family and had been relying on his income).  I can't imagine what that would be like.

They have started a fund for Wendy and the kids. I hope it is enough.

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