Friday, December 07, 2012

Garage Roofing

After quite a busy week, it was a relief to come home on a Friday night and having nothing of any consequence to do.

The new job is still in the "interesting" phase, not yet worn through to the "why can't I find a real job?" phase (which is sure to come sooner or later).  I'm doing some very exciting things (not).  Spreadsheets and such.  Budgets.  Spending.  Invoices.  Accounting.   Goes along with my Electrical Engineering and my Computer Science degrees.  Not. 

Still, as Mary Poppins would say, in every job that must be done, there is an element of fun; you find the fun and !pop! the job's a game.

In this case, the game is, don't screw it up.  People are depending on me to get their paperwork right so they get paid on time.

But the only fun I can find is the fun of coming home and heading out to my garage and making stuff, even if it's useless stuff.  (Or nearly useless.)

Today, I cut up some OSB boards to make some ceiling panels for my little shop so that I can insulate it and keep the place warm through the winter (if we ever get a winter).  I've still got to finish up that Subaru engine, and it's painful to work on engines in the winter if the garage is cold.  So I'm hoping to insulate the little shop enough that I can keep the metal parts warm and thus avoid frostbitten fingers.

Tomorrow is the Boy Scout 20-mile hike.  We're doing an urban hike tomorrow because it's easier than driving twenty miles to a recreation area and THEN walking 20 miles.  But it will be tough on my old feet, which don't like pounding pavement for long periods of time.

But I'll bring along my camera and see what sights there are.  Other than squished roadkill.

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