Saturday, August 17, 2013

Aluminum Overcast

No one should be at the office on a Saturday, but I was.  There's lots of tests we need to run, software to debug, and a schedule / deadline that is rapidly approaching. But the thought of being there galls me.  What's happened to my summer?  It's practically all gone, and what have I to show for it?

Nothing, that's what.

So I decided to take the opportunity to do something a little out of the ordinary today. The airport, only a mile or so away, was hosting a World War 2-era B-17 bomber, the "Aluminum Overcast", and it was only $10 for a walk-through tour.  So during a break in the software testing, I drove over to the airport and took the tour.

(I could've taken the aerial tour, but that was $450, which is a bit beyond the budget for such entertainments this century.)

The tour was a lot of fun, but even more fun was running into an old buddy of mine in line, and yakking it up for a while about 'the good old days'. I hadn't seen him in at least a couple years, but he's one of those guys where the gap in time doesn't mean anything. We just picked up where we'd left off.

That made my day. Now I'm (almost) ready to go back to work!

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