Saturday, April 02, 2016

Drywall - Days 2, 3, etc.

They're almost done!

The drywallers, I mean.

They've spent several days hanging and mudding and taping and sanding the silly sheetrock, so things are really shaping up. Only a couple hiccups so far. Like drywalling over the posts where the French doors (between the big bedroom and the library) are to be installed. And not drywalling over the frames of the closet (bi-fold) doors in the small bedroom. And not drywalling the top of the shower wall.

They're supposed to finish up Monday. And whether or not they finish on Monday, they're done. We have a schedule to keep. If they haven't finished by Monday, I'll do all the finishing myself.

Because I really can't stand having other people work on my house. They always mess it up. They always do something I don't like. I absolutely hate having other people work on my house!

And then they have an attitude about it. I know what the trouble is. They think they're done, they just want to get paid and move on. And I'm perfectly glad to pay them and get them out of my house.

So I can go back and fix what they screwed up.

It's true that I don't know how to do everything. And some of the work is much better than what I could do myself.

But they never EVER do as good a job as I want, as good a job as I feel I've paid for.