Saturday, December 10, 2016

Baby, It's Cold Outside (And Winter Just Started)

Yeah, it's cold outside, but it's not really cold yet. In fact, this is practically a heat wave in comparison to some of the winters we've had out here in MichiLand.

It's gonna warm up soon. Tomorrow it'll even be above freezing.

But this is only December. Real winter doesn't start around here until January. And then things will get very serious.

The wind will blow. The snow will fall. The Lake will send moisture up into the air where it will crystallize and expand and float like dust for miles and miles until it reaches our house, then it will be drawn to the ground like iron to a magnet, and our yard will become covered by a beautiful blanket of white.

The same fate will befall the driveway, but not so much as before; because with the influx of cars in the stable, there really isn't any room for it. In fact, at this point, there is only one car's length of blank concrete left uncovered.

I knew there was an advantage to having all these cars!

Today the snow was slow and blowing and inconsequential.  There were a few slippery spots on the way home, but nothing to worry about. Tomorrow (Saturday) it is going to more of the same, nothing but Lake-effect, kind of the like the constant drizzle we endured in Washington state. We just get used to it up here. Always bundle up. Two pairs of socks. Emergency supplies in the car. Keep a bucket of kitty litter in the trunk. Blankets.

Oh, and don't keep jugs of water in the car if you're parked outside. They're useless for drinking when they freeze solid. (Also, as I have learned the hard way, don't keep cases of Coke in the car either. Same problem with more tragic results.)

Sunday, though, is supposed to be the big Snow Day. Storm coming in from the West. Supposed to dump all day long. Which will make church attendance ... interesting. Definitely driving the Subarus to church.

Speaking of cars, that reminds me: I need to get new tires for Deb's Camry. The current ones don't have the tread for dealing with snow. And when she gets home for Winter Break next week, she's going to want to drive it.

Which means I'll go back to driving my Subaru again. Which I've not been doing, owing to the fact that it needs brake work. And a tune-up. And another tweak to the exhaust system.

But first, a little plumbing is in order for the basement. We have a guest coming tomorrow and I'd like to get the kitchenette sink working.

So ... toodle-oo! Have fun in the relatively-warm, not-snowing part of the country you live in! (Except those of you who ARE enjoying a real winter, in which case I sympathize with you, and urge you to stay inside by a warm fire with a good book, a lap cat, and a cup of tea or hot chocolate.)

1 comment:

Jeanne said...

I'll enjoy staying inside by the electric fire with the heat turned off, with a cat sitting beside me because he's too big to fit on my lap, sipping a cup of tea and reading a good book.

After I get home from the pool.

Because it's going to warm this week. Mid-70's. Meaning our cars are still in a/c mode and stocked with water bottles, wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, and sunscreen. And the only cat litter near the cars is a small drizzling over the oil spots under the truck in the driveway, which stands alone because the only other car we have is safely tucked in the garage.

Which is why there are no Christmas decorations in the house other than a sad, half-lit, undecorated fake tree and a small glass vase with four red ornament balls. And a pair of smooshed fake poinsettia plants who have seen better days.

It's just no fun decorating when I'm home by myself all day... talking to the Echo, who tells me jokes and the weather for the day and even plays me Christmas music.