Sunday, December 04, 2016

Snow, Reprise

Cheryl settles down to a bit of laptop work whilst watching the telly.
 We were boring this weekend and did nothing particularly stressful.

On Friday night, Cheryl and Mary and I saw The Philadelphia Story at Calvin. On Saturday, I worked on the basement while Cheryl and Mary prepared the Christmas tree (and a few other household things). On Sunday, after church, Mary and I saw Noises Off at Sparta High School (about twelve miles north of Grand Rapids).

While we were enjoying the play, a winter storm waltzed in and left us with five inches of snow.  Good thing we were driving a Subaru!

The Monday morning should be quite interesting.

A winter storm stops by for a quick visit.


virginia said...

Just beautiful--the room and the snow. But I am glad the snow is at your house and not ours.

Jeanne said...

Enjoy your snow! Brrrr.