Saturday, December 31, 2016

Cabinetry & Tables

The next time I build a kitchen where there will be cabinets hung on the wall (which pretty much describes every kitchen), I'm going to make a meticulous plan showing exactly how the cabinets are going to be supported by the framing, with extra studs in the walls to facilitate an equal distribution of the load across the wall.

There is a conspicuous misalignment between the placement of the studs in the wall and the edges of the cabinets. I had naively assumed that the cabinets would line up with 16-on-center wall framing, but when the cabinets range from thirty inch to eighteen inch widths, it turns out that they don't.

So some of the cabinets have a single vertical line of screws attaching them to the walls, and others have two. Or three. Depending on width and match-up to the wall studs.

The one I was most worried about was the microwave shelf, which will probably carry the most weight. It has two lines of screws, plus I anchored it to the adjoining cabinets for extra support.

Now that the cabinet-hanging is all done, Cheryl has started filling the cabinets with cups and mugs and glasses and plates and cookware and utensils and all the things one would need in a kitchen.

I'm moving on to other things, like securing the ledge boards and finishing the window frames and the door frames and the thresholds between rooms and - oh, yes, there's still some ceiling panels to finish up. 


Meanwhile, I realized that the picture of the new chairs I put up the other day didn't show how well they match with the actual color of the dining room table (because we had a white table cloth on it at the time), so here is what it really looks like:


Tammy Elrod said...

Very nice! Is the kitchen part of the basement project?

The Meyer Family said...

Why, yes, Tammy, it certainly is. I should have mentioned that. We created in essence a little apartment downstairs so we could host people for extended periods of time. Like parents, in-laws, exchange students, children who come home from Germany (with their wives), children who are working on graduate studies, grandchildren who come visit for the summer (some day, but not soon), friends visiting from far away, and, occasionally, people who don't fall into any particular category but need a place to stay for a time.

Maybe even ME if I don't hurry up and finish this project!

Tammy Elrod said...

Looks great and very useful!

virginia said...

Rob and Cheryl--that is just beautiful1! I can hardly wait to see it. You two have done a wonderful job. And those chairs are really great. A great match and I am so glad you were able to get them.

Jeanne said...

Most impressive! Clear evidence of great planning, lots of hard work, and excellent taste. :-)