Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Pi & Ides

Yesterday was Pi Day, for all you nerds out there. And for all you pie-lovers, it was Pie Day. So everyone broke out their slide rules and their funny t-shirts from and had a blast.

I was thinking perhaps, with all these busy bakers in the house (like the one who spent the last few days making cookies), we might end up with a few apple or peach or pecan pies, but I was mistaken.

I suppose that's a bit pedestrian these days.

Instead, we had chicken pot pie. For dinner. From Costco. For two reasons: (1) it was hilariously unexpected (since everyone else was doing dessert pies); and (2) certain people were tired of baking and needed a nice little break.

So we had wonderful, salty, hot-out-of-the-oven, burn-your-tongue-off, cute-as-a-button little pot pies.

With cookies for dessert.

And then we watched one of the last few remaining episodes of Bones. Which is rapidly coming to a close. And just about time, too. The plots have been getting rather thin. But the kids grew up watching the show, so it's only right they get to see it through to its conclusion. After all, they got to see the end of House.

* *

Tonight was the Ides of March, so Cheryl, being rather literary in nature (comes from being an English major, I suppose), decided to have Caesar Salad. It was quite yummy!

Last night, we went out shopping and she happened to find a lot of clearance items in the Italian section of the grocery store. Chocolate, mostly. So we had Italian chocolates tonight for dessert.

(I can feel my waistband expanding...)

Then we watched another exciting episode of Endeavour, in which our hero is nearly killed by a ferocious Bengal tiger. In a hedgerow maze. Guarding a mother and her child. But the evil (?) tiger is vanquished by the Police Chief Superintendent! Who served in the British Army in India! And knew all about tigers! Because one of his best friends was killed by a tiger! Which he then had to shoot! (Although the other cops didn't believe him, so this was kind of a vindication of the fact that, yes, he actually knows how to shoot and kill a tiger.)

It was a very tense episode. But very good.

Sadly, we only have one episode left to go....

1 comment:

virginia said...

where do you get the tv programs you watch, they don't seem to be on our direct tv.
I have some plum pie left over from ladies class this morning. Hope Caleb will like it for supper.