Wednesday, January 24, 2007

New Moania

I wasn't feeling any better on Monday, so Cheryl booked me an appointment with the doctor. Upon my arrival, the doctor said, "You're not getting any better, are you?", to which I croaked back, "No. Is it that obvious?"

Probably the fact that I couldn't speak without going into a coughing fit. That's always a big clue.

So he sent me upstairs to Radiology, and they took lots of pretty photographs of the interior portion of my lungs, after which they stood around commenting, "Did this come from the morgue?"; and "Ooh! What are those funny-looking things in there?"; and, of course, "Hope this sucker has insurance."

Got back downstairs to the doc, who said I had some kind of pneumonia, either viral or bacterial, he wasn't sure. Can't they test for those things? Perhaps if I was at the hospital, they could've figured it out. But at these rinky-dink clinics, you get what you pay for, and less. So the Man says I got pneumonia, and he gave me a hefty dose of killer meds to take care of it (in the case it's bacterial), and a hefty dose of asthma meds to open up the passageways in case it ain't, 'cause apparently there ain't much they can do if'n it's viral. Except wait. And hope the insurance check don't bounce.

Next couple of nights was rough in the way of sleeping, 'cause the meds threw my brain for a loop. I was having some very strange dreams, thinking the whole time I was awake; and then when I woke up (at 2 in the morning), I couldn't get back to sleep til nearly seven. And after a little while longer of lying in bed feeling like I was drowning in my own lungs, I got up and went to work.

Might as well be doing something useful while I'm up.

Drank lots of hot tea. Spicy stuff, none of that namby-pamby normal tea. Fact is, the cokes are too sweet (tastes like syrup), the regular teas taste like hot water, and the only thing I can stand for very long is the Bengal Spice.

And don't even mention milk. Ick.

Meanwhile the kids are all back in school again, all nice and normal, just in time to get back into the swing of things with homework and overbooked weekend activities and that kind of thing. I'm looking forward to things getting back to normal around here.

In the meantime, I can hear my lungs gurgling when I breathe. Cool!

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