Saturday, January 16, 2010

An Evening at the Concert Hall

James had a concert on Friday night, the culmination of several months of work with the St. Cecelia Conservatory for Wayward Musicians, wherein the cream of the crop of young talented persons of dubious height are encouraged to give up their Tuesday evenings to the pursuit of excellence in (a) sitting still for hours and hours and (b) attempting to learn music which is far beyond their capacities. James, innocent as he is, was somehow convinced to join this group during a weak moment of youthful frivolity; we, seeking a moment's respite from his constant teen-aged presence, were persuaded to sign off on the deal, and there we are.

As a reward for his diligence and fortitude, and for the fact that any errors in musicianship on his part were either underplayed in volume or masked by the exuberance of his companions, we decided to take advantage of the gifts which were so graciously bestowed upon us by Grandma Green at some point in the near past (i.e. October), in the form of coupons, and stopped by Wendy's for some free Frosty's.

Ice cream is always a worthy reward for a job well done.

Once we arrived at home, the children were encouraged to say a word of Thanks to their Grandmother. It took them a couple of tries.


James, as you can see, is still dressed in his performance togs, happily slurping up the remnants of his treat. He also attempted to eat the cup, for reasons unknown.

The Concert Band gets a two-week respite, and then will begin practicing for their Spring performance. Here we go again!


Judebaker said...

Hmmm. A bow tie makes him look taller. Or was it just the camera angle. Kids. They just keep growing. Sounds like a perfect evening.

Jeanne said...

Very cool!!!!