Sunday, January 03, 2010

Last-Minute Holiday Rush

As part of their last-minute rush to enjoy every moment of their holiday/vacation, the girls dragged out the old car & track set and played with it all afternoon. Not sure if this is something they needed to do in order to recapture a bit of their youthful, pre-school age energy, or they were just wanting to make a lot of "zoom! zoom!" noises, but I don't mind so long as they remember to put 'em all away when they're done playing.

We had a goal-setting session as part of our weekly devotional time, reminding the kids that they are getting old enough now to set their own goals and make them happen. Naturally, the parental goals are a bit different than the child goals. We write down, "Get yer chores done without asking!", and they write down, "Hide in the bedroom til the storm blows over!"

We all need to be more consistent in keeping to a daily schedule, getting up on time, getting to bed on time, helping out with the housework, getting homework done without procrastinating (or reminders from parents). Most importantly, we need to be much, much better about being in the Word.

Then there's that pesky basement...


Judebaker said...

We count "daily Bible readers" each Sunday in class, and most of the time I sit there sheepishly unable to raise my hand because Friday and Saturday slip by without opening the Book. :( Gotta have a goal, man, gotta have a goal. God bless your goals! :)

Jeanne said...
