Saturday, September 17, 2011

Band / Back Blowout

Well, the band did well.

Typical Friday night in high school; the football team loses, but the band plays well. Actually, the football team didn't do as bad this year as they did last year; that was a real blowout. The team had more speed this year, which helped when it came time to run long distance to make those touchdowns.

I was down on the field with the band, helping to put up the yard markers and the drum-major stands. We have to get it timed just right so that the band completes their program and gets off the field within 15 minutes, or there's some kind of penalty. I didn't realize this was a rule until I volunteered to help. What kind of bizarre rule is this? How do you penalize a band??

Anyway, we got it down to an almost-science; there were only twenty seconds or so, but we got 'em on the field, through their program, and off the field, in time.

Had a hard time finding James while the band was performing; having a grounds-eye view isn't as easy as the up-in-the-stands view. And, truth be told, they all do look alike in those uniforms. Except for the girls with the long hair. And the midgets.

The temperature has dropped somewhat, too, so the game felt like a real Fall football game, with crisp air and cloudy skies and What do we do if it starts raining? thoughts in our heads. The stands - aluminum, of course - were cold, so it was a good idea to bring blankets and chairs. But it's going to be even colder at the next home game, which is in October. By Halloween, we should be dealing with icy winds and muddy ground. Oh, joy!

Meanwhile, I spent Saturday attending to the last of the warm-weather outside chores, painting the trim on the front of the house. And trying to not lift things. Because I overdid it on Friday night, lifting the drum major stands. After my back was already hurting, too. Well, I never was one for restraint.

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