Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Music & Cookies

Adam read "Heart of Darkness" in his English class, and was assigned to do a project based on the book, some kind of artistic venture; or, as his teacher entitled it, "Art of Darkness". Ha ha. Francis Ford Coppola did his project based on the book and called it, "Apocalypse Now". Adam called his "The Ambush".

It's actually a musical score written as a theme for a particular scene. For those of you who remember the book, or have a copy handy, turn to the part where Marlow and his crew are going upstream after encountering the dense fog and are suddenly attacked by natives. Adam's theme follows the steamboat as the attack begins, the helmsman is killed, and then the natives withdraw.

He wrote an explanation of the theme to go along with the musical score, and made a CD for his teacher (with some help from his mother).

After all that work, he and Cheryl made a huge pile of cookies for him to take to school tomorrow.

Don't you love the last few days before Christmas break? All the projects due, all the snacks showing up. Extra stress and extra sugar, all rolled into one.

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