Thursday, October 08, 2015

Mind Wipe

Wednesday was a total wash insofar as accomplishments at home go. Had all sorts of things planned, of course, but I was so hang-dog tired by the end of my workday, there waren't no energy left to speak of, and nothin' happened other than me and a bed cuddling up for a nap.

Slept til bedtime, then got up fer a spell to see what was going on -- mostly darkness, as it was near midnight -- and then crawled back under the covers and listened to Cheryl breathing while my brain tried to reconcile the fact that an entire evening had gone by with nothing to show for it.

Other than a nice dinner. Maybe that was my problem. Ate myself into oblivion. Me and food got a real close relationship, and it makes me all peaceful and soft-headed when there's a tummy-full of good vittles settin' inside.

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