Friday, October 23, 2015

Senior Night; or, Getting Near the End

Tonight is possibly the last home game where the Marching Band has to perform. If the football team continues to play as they did tonight, it's practically a shoe-in that we are done.

I brought James along to help out with the pit crew, showed him how to drive the tractor and let him have some fun. Cheryl packed us some dinner to take along - home-made chicken noodle soup and muffins. We ate while watching the band rehearse. James had fun seeing all his old friends, like old-home week. Then it was time for me to run back over to the stadium to participate in the "Senior Night" festivities, which involve walking across the track with Cheryl and Deb in front of the entire crowd, and getting our pictures taken. Whee!!

Right after that, of course, it was time for we in the pit crew to assist with the pre-game show, handling the podiums and making sure everything ran smoothly. After that, it was time for the game to start.

This is my summary of the game from the point of view of someone who hasn't watched football since the Cowboys were killing it back in the 70's:

The offense took off in the first quarter and got the first score relatively quickly, but then ran out of steam. The defense was sleeping during the first half and didn't wake up until it was apparent that the other team's offense was wide-awake. At least they held them back from more scoring; the final score was 8-18 so it didn't look too bad. But it sure looked bad from the sidelines. The pass game was just not working. They should've stuck with the ground plays.

As for the half-time show, which was the justification for my existence that night, we had a few issues. One of the podiums was put on the wrong yard line (but that got corrected). And the generator was very difficult to start, which was not usual. It hasn't ever given us any trouble, except for when we forgot to fuel it up. But they finally managed to get it started and the show went OK.

Deb's big brother James sat with her in the stands and they had a great time hanging with the band. James got to see a lot of his old friends, and Deb got to be with her brother. Cheryl hung out with her folks somewhere up in the stands -- I never did spot 'em -- and I stayed down on the field with my crew waiting for the next disaster to occur.

After the game was all over and everything was cleaned up and the last kid was taken home, I went home to hang out with the family for a little while before hitting the sack. Tomorrow is going to be a big day.

1 comment:

virginia said...

The blog is slow-I am just getting it on Tuesday afternoon. Not complaining-just thankful to get it. It is good to hear what you all are doing. Glad you all can be together again. Wish we were there too.