Friday, November 06, 2015


My friend, Kevin, was able to get the tire patched up. Well, not exactly "patched" up, since they didn't put a patch on it, "Plugged" is more like it. It's a radial, after all.

But it works, so Deb's car is back to normal. Sort of. So now maybe I can focus on the basement instead of the cars.

First, though, I took some time off this afternoon to take James and Deborah to the movie theater to see The Martian. [Adam and Mary weren't interested, and Cheryl was at work.] The movie theater had recently undergone renovation; all the seats in the little 48-seat auditorium were electric-powered recliners! It was almost too comfortable. Luckily, the film kept things moving right along, even at two and a half hours long.

On the way home, Deb dropped by Old Navy to get some paperwork filled out, then we had to get James home so he could pack for his exciting weekend at the Movie-Making Retreat. After all that fun, no one was in the mood to cook dinner, so Deb called in an order at the local Chinese takeout place and we stuffed ourselves silly.

Fat and happy, we sat in our own recliners and watched Finding Normal, a cute little movie which is recommended for family viewing. Not content with that much inactivity, we sat and watched Enchanted April until our eyes were too weary to watch any more.

And then we ate brownies!

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