Sunday, July 30, 2006

Getting Ready for VBS

I'm always in a bit of a panic before a "show". And, believe me, VBS is a show like none other.

As is usually the case, there just wasn't enough time to get all the things done I wanted to get done this year. I had Big Plans. Especially with a theme like Son Treasure Island. Especially with Pirates of the Caribbean 2 fresh in everyone's mind.

Of course we'll talk about Treasure. As in, the Greatest Treasure. And we'll probably talk about laying up treasures in heaven, and focusing on the non-wordly stuff. But of course we'll also have fun dressing up like pirates and waving fake swords around and being silly.

And of course we'll have chocolate gold coins. How obvious can you get?

But there are some other activities we'll be pursuing. We're doing some craft projects - painting or staining wooden treasure boxes ($3 at Michaels), making wind chimes, doing some candle-making, that sort of thing.

And I've got this game in mind. I built a game board and laid out an island on it, with a checkerboard; and I've got some little plastic Pirate characters to put on it; and I've got some ideas on some simple games we can play with it. Something to teach the kids about cooperation and sharing and being nice to each other. You know, all those things we were supposed to learn about in kindergarten, but were too busy making pies out of PlayDoh to pay attention to.

Guess we'll see what happens.

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