Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Home is the Hunter, home from the Hill

and the James, home from the Camp.

He actually showed up a bit earlier than we'd expected. I was looking for him around noon, but he was here quite a bit earlier. Perhaps they didn't have to do as much camp-cleaning as they usually do. Perhaps the boys were more careful about leaving trash lying about.


The first thing we did was to send the boy into the shower. Like any boy, he was proud of the fact that he hadn't bathed in days. We could tell as soon as he entered the house. EEeeewww. Off to the showers with you! Then we'll talk.

He had a wonderful time. He is definitely ready for the week-long Boy Scout camp version.

As for the rest of us, we noticed his absence in some strange ways. The house was quieter, for one thing. As was the shower at the pool. Normally, James is caterwauling in there because there are such great echoes, and there is nothing he loves more than making cool sound effects (mostly the impolite kind, like burps, belches, and ... other kinds). Normally Adam and I fight to be heard amid the din. Today - nothing. There was no noise, no talking, just cleaning up after pooltime and then home for dinner. It was ... odd.

But that was OK, because Cheryl and I are cranking on the VBS preparations. And since our target audience is Middle Schoolers, who are caught between the conflicting worlds of Silly and Cool, it's going to be a challenge.

Wish us luck!

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