Saturday, May 23, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend Part 1

It was a joy to sleep in this morning, especially after staying up so late last night. Nearly eight o'clock! Felt like such a slug-a-bed.

We had been hoping to go see the new Star Trek movie, but James was feeling a bit under the weather (and over the temperature), so we postponed that activity until later, and decided to work on various chores around the house instead. Cheryl and the kids cleaned house, I worked out in the garage. Nothing extraordinary, but it was progress.

The gazebo is now on the back deck, which will provide some shade during the summer months. The wasps, who are currently in the process of building their new nests, are busily investigating its nooks and crannies, searching for potential real estate. They have started some very interesting nests underneath the desk already; can't wait to see what kind of designs they come up with this year!

The community pool opened up today, so Cheryl took the girls over there after lunch to play with some friends - and to talk religion & politics with the other parents. I stayed home and continued to work on the garage, trying to figure out where to put all this stuff.

About four in the afternoon, I was overcome with a deep feeling of nappiness, so I went in and sat down on the couch in front of our very nice, relatively recent coffee table, and started watching a few episodes from Animaniacs Season One. Fell asleep. But that was OK, because James, who had gotten up from his sick bed for a while, came in and spotted me. And Adam, who was playing a game on the laptop, watched as well.

I hope the rest of the weekend is as restful. It's graduation weekend, though, and in this part of the country, that means lots of Open Houses for the graduates, which means a lot of visitation. Not sure if I'm up to much of that. I liked it better in Virginia, where you just graduate and then head off to Virginia Beach with the rest of your class to celebrate. And hopefully come back at the end of the celebration ready to get on with life.

Mary and Adam face off in a class Heroscape battle.

Deborah waits (im)patiently for Adam to stop playing Heroscape and come over to help solve a puzzling problem she's having on her DS.

James isn't feeling well enough to get out of bed yet, but he's strong enough to push the buttons on his PSP (i.e. PlayStation Portable).

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