Saturday, May 02, 2009

Vacation - Day 6

OK, so technically, this isn't vacation. It's just a Saturday.

Actually, it's not just any Saturday, either. It's Adam's birthday!

Happy Birthday, Adam!

I just needed to do a couple more things on the basement today before "retiring" to work on some other critical tasks (i.e. the car, some reports for work, etc.). There's one little piece of the closet wall that wasn't complete yet - the point where the two walls come together to form the outer angle. Since I was using two four-foot walls, and the closet is actually 66 inches wide, that leaves an 18-inch gap to be filled.

So I cut two 18-inch pieces and two 91-inch pieces and slapped them together and stuck 'em in the open corner and put up some insulation to get that full "3-D" effect, and ...

(Those of you who are into carpentry might notice that I'm cheating here by putting in R-19 insulation, which is intended for use in 2x6 walls; but that's only because I don't have any R-13 in the house, but still wanted to get an idea of what it will look like when the walls are up.)

If you're wondering what the inside of the closet looks like, here it is!


Jeanne said...

Hope Adam had a great birthday!!! 15 seems so old...

The Meyer Family said...

It would've been a better birthday if we could've arranged for four or five of his Heroscape pals to come over (from Detroit) and play all day long with him, but things didn't work out that way. We still managed to have fun, though, and going to IHop was a definite hit. Love those waffles!!