Friday, May 15, 2009

Rhett & Link

2:00 am
About to go pick up James from his band trip.
Started watching Rhett & Link. Accidentally.

2:15 am
I'm officially addicted to Rhett & Link. Why? Because they reminds me of Craig and Kelly, and the kind of shennanigans that happen when they get a video camera!

But it's time to leave. The buses are supposed to be at the school by 3, but I'm worried they might be early, so I'd better get going.

3:30 am
Picked up James at 3, brought him home, now we're watching R&L videos. He doesn't find them as funny as I do. Hmmm...

But he's hungry and wants to eat something, so he will watch them for awhile, til he gets full and tired.

4:30 am
James can't keep his eyes open, so he's heading off to bed.

6:30 am
Now I've been up all night watching Rhett & Link videos. Lame!! But I can't help it. This is the kind of stuff I'd much rather be doing than engineering. Especially project management. Yuck! I'm suddenly inspired to grab my guitar and a recording device and write a song about, "Life is More Than Engineering". Because it is.

And I wish I could sit and jam with Craig and Kelly.

Men's breakfast at 8. Should I just stay up, or try to sleep for an hour or so?

Decisions, decisions...

11:00 am
Went to the breakfast. Then went shopping for computer parts. Finally got Linux (Ubuntu) running on one of my PCs. Now to transfer it to one of the laptops.



Benny McGhee said...

it's 3am in CO and i've forgotten to go to bed. one of these days we'll all have to get together and jam. i'd be interested to see how the different styles would gel!

The Meyer Family said...

You'll get the chance soon enough, since we're planning on invading your space on our way out to California. Details to come ... as soon as I figure them out.

When we get to Yosemite, I'm going to hike up to the top of Nevada Falls and play at the top of the falls. I was there in fall of '85 but didn't have my guitar, and made a vow to go back at some point and pretend to be John Denver. Only with my own songs.

The Meyer Family said...

Note that the "we" is just me and the boys, 'cause the girls are flying. I'm doing the road-trip things with my teen-aged boys, and there ain't no way we're gonna pass up the opportunity to see Uncle Craig and Colorado. Maybe we could even do a music video!