Sunday, November 30, 2014

No Leaf Unturned

We had a huge pile of snow in the beginning of November, but after a couple of weeks, the storms stopped coming and the temperature climbed above forty and the snow melted away and revealed to the world the shame that is our yard.

Covered with leaves.

Yes, we didn't manage to get all the leaves raked up before the snow fell. We have no excuse except we really don't care. Well, I don't care. Cheryl really wanted the yard all cleaned up before the snow covered it up, but there weren't any 'volunteers' so the job didn't get done.

It would've been nice if the snow had just kept it covered up all the way through March. Procrastination is my middle name!

But it didn't. So Cheryl made the request for assistance, and the kids went out this afternoon and got it all raked into piles and the piles were put into bags and the bags were placed on the front porch so they could be moved streetside on Collection Day.  Friday.

It was nice to get it done. It will be nicer when it gets picked up.

1 comment:

virginia said...

I should rake mine too but think I will just wait til the wind blows some more of them away.
Glad you got yours bagged up. I remember those days in Richmond. Ha.