Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Pre-Thanksgiving Pie Prep

Pecan, Apple, and Pumpkin.

Isn't that what Thanksgiving is all about?

We spent the evening working on the pies we'll be taking to the Shapin's house tomorrow for Thanksgiving. I am hoping to eat some of each ... but with all the food we're going to have, it's difficult to know just how much room is going to be available for dessert.

After the chicken and the mashed potatoes and the stuffing and the string beans and the sweet potatoes and the cranberry sauce and the bread, there might not be any space left in the ol' tum-tum.

If only there were some snow on the ground I could shovel in-between courses! That would help burn it all off.

But all our snow has come and gone, and now we are only left with cold air.

Which isn't enough.

Perhaps flapping my lips would burn off some of those extraneous calories. I'm good at yakking. I could go on for hours. Unfortunately, the caloric conversation rate for conversation is appallingly low.

Maybe I'll have to run laps around the neighborhood instead.

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