Saturday, November 15, 2014

Pre-Pre-Playoff Game

Another Saturday, another playoff game.

I don't know what's gotten into this football team. They keep winning. It's just not fair! All of us in the Marching Band are tired and ready to move on to other things.

We have a Christmas concert to work on! Give us a break!

But so long as the team keeps winning, we're going to be there for them, marching in the field and trying to maintain the team spirit. Kind of like cheerleaders on steroids. Or sugar.

Today it was very difficult to maintain the spirit.

It was cold, very cold. So cold that one of the kids actually fainted after coming off the field. Luckily, there were two doctors right there who were able to take care of the situation.

Deborah was in tears at the end of half-time. She could not feel her fingers or her toes. She was not able to play her flute because she couldn't push enough breath across it. So her friend Sabrina unselfishly gave her some regular gloves (with actual fingers on them - the flute gloves don't cover fingers, obviously) and we stuffed hot packs into them, put a cup of hot apple cider in her hands, and told her to stay on the side of the stadium protected from the wind. She was OK in ten minutes.

But it was not fun for the Band. The stadium seats were covered with ice and we couldn't scrape it off. For some reason, perhaps because aluminum is a relatively soft metal, the ice held firm. So the kids sat on the icy bleachers with blankets or the edges of their raincoats beneath them, and toughed it out. And tried to play their instruments when the Director told them to. And tried to maintain spirits.

It evidently worked. Because the football team crushed their opponents. And the other team was supposed to be tough! But our team was playing ferociously, pushing the ball downfield when it was theirs, and blocking like crazy when it wasn't.

Final score: 31-14.

If we keep this up and win again next week, we're going to the State finals.

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


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